AUTH POST /message/create Posts new message. POST arguments: - `body`: message body - `tags`: comma-separated list of tags - `private`: optional. If not empty, post will become private Result: - `post_id`: post id AUTH GET /message/delete/ Deletes message with given id. Arguments: - `post_id`: message id AUTH GET /message/bookmark/ Add message to bookmarks (e.g. favorites) Params: - `post_id`: message id AUTH GET /message/recommend/ Tell your readers about it! Params: - `post_id`: message id GET /message/comments/ Get mesage comments. Params: - `post_id`: message id. AUTH POST /message/comment// AUTH POST /message/comment/ Add new comment. POST arguments: - `post_id`: post id - `comment`: comment id GET /user/info GET /user/info/ Get user info. Params: - `username`: User name. Result: - `name`: Public name - `about`: About user - `avatar`: Avatar image url GET /user/messages GET /user/messages/ Get user recent messages. Params: - `username`: User name. Arguments: - `limit`: Count of messages returned (default 10, max 200) - `offset`: Skip this count of posts (default 0) - `after`: Unix timestamp. Return posts created since the date. GET /user/recommendations GET /user/recommendations/ Get user recomendations Params: - `username`: User name.